Get Involved
To Change Everything We Need Everyone!
Transitioning to a more sustainable and connected way of life is going to take the creative genius of all of us! Transition Berkeley is a volunteer-run community group. Let us know if you would like to join our existing efforts or if you have ideas of your own. Here are a few existing ways you can be involved. Contact us to learn more!
CROP SWAPS & SHARE - Where people meet and share what they have like produce, seeds, clothing books etc. Come to one, help out or start one where you live.
NATIVE POLLINATOR GARDENS - Want to learn more about habitat by planting and maintaining native pollinator gardens in our local parks? Sign up on our volunteer form and we'll let you know about upcoming opportunities.
REPAIR CAFES - Know how to fix a bike, mend clothing or restore your phone, or like helping plan or host events? Let us know and we'll enlist you in upcoming repair events where people come together to fix their things.
SUSTAINABLE LIVING - Interested in doing your part to use less energy, water and make less waste? Our city has many resources. How can we help spread the word? Let us know your interests and ideas.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS - Are you and your neighbors prepared for any number of events that could happen in Berkeley? How can we help encourage preparedness and would you like to help us?
PLANNING - Like to help organize projects or events or interested in checking out or joining our Board? Contact us with your interests and questions.
GOT TALENTS? - Put them to good use by helping us with our social media, take photos, write inspiring articles, connect with and encourage others to join in the fun!
Make a Donation
Every contribution you make goes towards supporting the projects and community work of Transition Berkeley. We appreciate the generosity and involvement of people like you!
Our 501(c)(3) status allows your donation to be fully tax-deductible.
If you would like to donate by check, please send to: Transition Berkeley, 2000 Allston Way #304, Berkeley CA 94701