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Repair Cafe

Saturday, May 5th, 2018


Protecting our Oak Woodlands

and Water Future
~ ​Presentation, Film and Discussion ~

Thurs March 1, 2018, 6:30 PM
Historic Fellowship Hall 1924 Cedar Street at Bonita, Berkeley, CA.


Winter Crop Swaps

Ongoing during 2017 - 2018 Winter


Transition Berkeley’s
Seventh Anniversary Potluck Dinner and Film
~CALL of the FOREST~

Thursday February 1, 2018 at 6:30 pm

Mosaics Making at Malcolm X School Crop Swap

Saturday, August 6 & 13, 10:30am to around noon

Malcolm X Schoolyard, Ellis & Ashby Ave.
South Berkeley Crop Swap neighbor, Priscilla Hines, showed us how to make a mosaic plaques from design to finished product.

Empathy: The Bridge for Our Country’s Social Divide

November 3, 2016

This evening addressed the extreme polarization highlighted in this election year and helped us learn ways to talk to and understand those who think and feel differently than ourselves. We began with the film: “Love Hate and Everything in Between.”

Over Troubled Waters: Restoring the Delta Movie Night

Thursday, Aug 4, 2016

In this visually rich documentary, Ed. Begley, Jr. narrates the story of the battle being fought by the people of the Delta to protect the region they love and to encourage saner water policies for the Golden State and all the people of California. The evening featured the controversial Delta Tunnels project film, food and meaningful conversation. 
Sponsored by: Transition Berkeley, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists’ (BFUU) Social Justice Committee, and the Berkeley Climate Action Coalition Water Working Group

Plastic-Free July Solutions Salon:   Short Films & Discussion with Beth Terry

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Led by plastic-free activist and author Beth TerryEcology CenterTransition Berkeley, and the BFUU Social Justice Committee. An evening of short films and plastic-free ideas to inspire your zero waste efforts!

We viewed short films about plastic pollution and consumption, and shared our triumphs and challenges around reducing plastic waste, and explored some fun solutions to replace common plastic household goods. Copies of Beth Terry’s book, Plastic Free,  were available for purchase and signing.

“Occupy the Farm” Film & Discussion

Thursday June 2, 2016

“Occupy the Farm” tells the story of 200 urban farmers who walk onto a publicly-owned farm in Albany, California and plant two acres of crops in order to save the land from becoming a real-estate development.
This direct action set up a vibrant tent village on land destined to become condos, while their crops blocked the development plans of UC Berkeley.
Director Todd Darling was present for Q&A, and the event included updates on the current status of the farm and the developers.

Meet the Changemakers - You and Me!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friends of Five Creeks presented an evening of short documentaries that highlight how individuals have made an incredible difference in their communities.  
From Ron Finley, planting an artistic, urban organic garden in South Central LA’s food desert, to a few women mobilizing hundreds to protect the mission blue butterfly at San Bruno Mountain, to a Volunteer Firefighter saving a pair of shoes in a house fire.
In addition, Friends of Five Creeks will shared their 20-year history right here in Berkeley, Albany and El Cerrito, as they restored one creek after another.  Discover what it took to build their group of Weed Warriors, adopt a half dozen parks, produce a speaker series on local environmental issues and positive solutions, and build an environmental coalition of organizations to protect the bay.

Power of Community Organizing | film & discussion, April 7th, 2016

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

This month’s Screening the Green was an action-packed evening designed to inspire you to participate in projects that build resilience in your community. 
Community Organizer Susan Silber led a lively discussion about organizing to build resilient communities and the upcoming Community Resilience Challenge. Local eco-heroes Wanda Stewart, Catherine Sutton Dave Drummond and Carole Bennett-Simmons shared stories and secret organizing ingredients of their successful projects. 
The short film “Reclaiming Community.” takes place in Oakland and Toronto and demonstrates that it only takes a few brave souls who refuse to give up on community to take back public spaces to use for the benefit of all.

Transition Streets - Info Night

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Berkeley residents who piloted Transition Streets in 2015, led a fun Earth Day week educational activity that oriented to hands-on, flexible, hyper-local approach to community resilience. 

Share the Love!- A Celebration of Community Leaders

February 5th, 2016

celebration of our Community Partners and fifth year anniversary!
We enjoyed a Delicious Potluck Supper with joyful old time music from the “Share Croppers”. Also from the Berkeley High Jazz trio – award-winning musicians! We viewed a special slideshow that Linda Currie put together, looking back at all the projects of Transition Berkeley in the past 5 years.
We recognized our fabulous Community Leaders and spotlight the great work they have been doing with a special honoring of Victory Lee, a big supporter of Transition Berkeley.
Wanda Stewart and Allison Paskel gave a great shout out to the wonderful work of Victory Garden Foundation and talked about how Victory inspired their own lives through gardening and her work to build community
Ayako Nagano created a beautiful 4 minute video tribute to Victory with interviews conducted at a work party at Victory's home last November.

CLIMATE CHANGE NOW -Report Back from Paris (COP21) + Local Updates

Thursday, Jan 7, 2016

What really happened at the Paris Climate Talks and what does it mean now that they are over? We heard first hand from Kathy Dervin, 350 Bay Area, Andy Katz, Sierra Club, Tom & Jane Kelly, representing CCA (community choice energy). Why does local action matter? We learned about the City of Berkeley's progress in reaching its climate action goals and how WE can take action now through the Transition Streets program and the Berkeley Climate Action Coalition.

"TAPPED" A film about bottled water with a discussion

October 1, 2015

TAPPED is a beautifully filmed, compelling documentary in which Stephanie Soechtig and Sara Olsen explore the environmental consequences of bottled water. TAPPED does to bottled water what Food, INC and Super Size Me did to the food monopolies. The film begins with: "By 2030, two thirds of the world will not have access to clean drinking water." The film also covers chemical pollution, plastic pollution, mile-wide plastic soups in the ocean, water privatization and community water rights. 

This event was a result of partnering with Food and Water Watch, a national organization that champions healthy food and clean water for all. We were joined by Liz Solorio of FWW, and Juliana Gonzales of The Watershed Project for a discussion after the film. 

Ohlone Park Pollinator Garden Planted with Berkeley Project Day Volunteers

October 24, 2015

On October 24th, 2015, Transition Berkeley Members Linda Currie & Lori Hines led UC Berkeley students in installing pollinator plants in Ohlone Park during Berkeley Project Day. The planting design was made by Transition Berkeley member, Bonnie Borucki, with the help of Pam Boland, City of Berkeley landscape gardener supervisor. Plants were purchased at the Watershed Nurseryin Richmond, CA. Plants were selected to attract a variety of local pollinator's including native bees, honeybees, anise swallowtail butterflies, monarch's, and to provide pesticide-free habitat.

Christine Rossi, representing Friends of the Earth, brought literature to educate about the connections between Colony Collapse Disorder and use of  insecticides containing neonicotinoids.

August 6, 2015

Transition Berkeley and Slow Food East Bay present "The Breach"

Slow Food East Bay and Transition Berkeley delved into the prickly world of fish, fishing and the health of the oceans with the amazing new film about salmon and the northwest, The Breach.

 The evening peaked with a short panel of local fisher(wo)men, fish mongers and others involved with keeping this huge part of our ecosystem healthy and in balance and Q&A with local folks involved in the worlds of fishing and the oceans. How can we both support those that make their livelihood from the ocean and the fish populations? How can we be educated and inquisitive consumers of seafood, asking the right questions about sourcing, distribution and health?

July 2nd, 2015

"Urban Roots" with Wanda Stewart from People's Grocery

URBAN ROOTS is an inspiring film about the emergence of urban farming in Detroit. Like West Oakland, Detroit has high rates of unemployment, poverty, crime and pollution, lack of grocery stores with fresh food and high rates of liquor stores, diabetes and heart disease. But Detroit urban farmers are building a new and powerful urban economy that addresses these challenges while growing healthy food and strong communities.
Our special guest speaker Wanda Stewart was Executive Director of People’s Grocery a dynamic community organization working to improve the health and local economy of West Oakland by investing in the local food system.

June 5th, 2015

"Your Environmental Road Trip" Saving Water & Energy at Home

Rising Sun Energy Center made a short presentation about the Energy Upgrade California program, and shared energy and water saving tips to use in your home. We also learned about free services, rebates, and incentives available to homeowners and renters who take action to save water and energy.
We sat back and armchair traveled along with three curious folks as they searched for sustainable solutions across the United States in the light-hearted documentary, “Your Environmental Road Trip (Y.E.R.T.)”

May 7th, 2015

From the Waste Up – Life Without Plastic

Our special guest speaker East Bay author and community activist, Beth Terry, showed us how to replace plastic with less harmful materials. She shared some of the many alternatives she has documented in her book Plastic Free! How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too.
In "From the Waste Up – Life Without Plastic".  Filmmaker Taina Uitto documents her own efforts and those of six other volunteers who pledge to live for a whole year without plastic. She looks at our addiction to plastic in a very real and down to earth way and as a participant in the project brings a level of humor to a very serious situation. You'll sympathize with the volunteers as they struggle to make change and rejoice with them when they are successful.


April 18th, 2015

Berkeley Earth Day at the David Brower Center

Transition Berkeley joined the David Brower Center for its first-ever Earth Day celebration, a fun-filled afternoon of community learning opportunities, family art activities, hands-on workshops, live music, and delicious organic food--all focused on protecting and honoring the planet we call home.Spring flower mandala created by members of Transition Berkeley and other Earth Day participants.

April 2nd, 2015

American Revolutionary, The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs

Transition Berkeley presented an award winning film about Grace Lee Boggs, a Chinese American philosopher, writer and activist in Detroit with a thick FBI file and a surprising vision of what an American revolution can be. Rooted for 75 years in the labor, civil rights and Black Power movements, she challenges a new generation to throw off old assumptions, think creatively and redefine revolution for our times. American Revolutionary has won six Audience Awards. The film will was introduced by Alison Paskal, educator and urban gardener, Hank Herrera, food justice activist, working to build new sustainable, local healthy food systems serving vulnerable neighborhoods, and Christopher Shein, permaculture gardener, teacher at Merritt College, and author of "The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture", who have all known or worked with Grace in Detroit.

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

The Garden

Transition Berkeley presented an evening about how gardens help build communities in urban settings. At 7pm we’ll saw a film about an amazing garden in Southern California, learn why it was threatened and how the community came together to try to save it. We had a report on the state of community gardens here in our own backyard from local gardeners Bonnie Borucki (Ashby Garden), Carole Bennett-Simmons, Dave Drummond (Peralta Gardens), Alexa Hauser (Edible Landscape Project),  Carol Wolfley (Berkeley Post Office Garden) and Beebo Turman (Berkeley Gardening Collaborative).

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

The Economics of Happiness

The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, government and big business continue to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, all around the world people are resisting those policies, demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance—and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future. Communities are coming together to re-build more human scale, ecological economies based on a new paradigm – an economics of localization.

We hear from a chorus of voices from six continents including Samdhong Rinpoche, the Prime Minister of Tibet's government in exile, Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten and Zac Goldsmith. They tell us that climate change and peak oil give us little choice: we need to localize, to bring the economy home. The good news is that as we move in this direction we will begin not only to heal the earth but also to restore our own sense of well-being. The Economics of Happiness restores our faith in humanity and challenges us to believe that it is possible to build a better world.

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

Transition Berkeley presents "Happy" with a Vegetarian Potluck

Transition Berkeley hosted a delicious vegetarian potluck dinner, a joyful green song fest with Hali Hammer and Nancy Schimmel from Occupella, and HAPPY, an uplifting movie about human beings at their best.

Our featured film HAPPY took us on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. Combining real life stories of people from around the world and powerful interviews with the leading scientists in happiness research. Happy explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion.

Cosponsors: Transition Berkeley, East Bay Cohousing and BFUU's Social Justice Committee. 

Thursday, November 7th, 2014

A FIERCE GREEN FIRE: The Battle for a Living Planet

A Fierce Green Fire chronicles the largest movement of the 20th century and one of the keys to the 21st. It brings together all the major parts of environmentalism. It focuses on activism, people fighting to save their homes, their lives, the future – and succeeding against all odds. The film ends with the movement to stop Climate Change.

Our special guest was Kathy Dervin, Berkeley public health educator and environmental activist now working with She reported back on the recent People's March for Climate Action in New York City and talked to us about ways we can get involved with the work of

October 2nd, 2014

Screening the Green Turns One by Carole Bennett-Simmons

Transition Berkeley's first Thursday's Screening the Green film series celebrated it's first birthday October 2, 2014, with a look back at 12 months of inspiring environmental films and many friendships forged with justice and environmental groups.
TB gives a BIG SHOUT OUT to the co-sponsors of our monthly films – it has been a pleasure working with you and an inspiration to see the wonderful things you are doing for our world. Our gratitude goes to the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists' Social Justice Committee for use of the beautiful kitchen and fellowship hall and their robust support for the success of this series. Other partners Transition Berkeley's Movie Team has been privileged to work with this past year include:
Many thanks to the members of the Transition Berkeley Movie Team for their work on the film series: Carole Bennett-Simmons, Dave Drummond, Malcolm (Gil) Gilmore, Bonnie Borucki, Phyllis Rothman, Phoebe Ackley, Linda Currie, Lori Hines, Barbara Edwards, Claudia Castro, Ayako Nagano and Karen Rusiniak

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

The Wisdom to Survive: A Documentary on Climate Change, Capitalism and Community

The Wisdom to Survive: A Documentary on Climate Change, Capitalism and Community was a devastating portrait of species extinction, climate chaos and the human suffering it is causing. Bill McKibben, Richard Heinberg, Joanna Macy and other climate leaders showed us that the course we are on politically and economically must be drastically changed if we are to survive, and if nature is to escape even more destruction. 

Creating alternatives to capitalism that honor nature and the rights of all creatures, including humans, to clean air, water and healthy food is the task they call us to. Some of the approaches to the task that people are trying are outlined – mass climate actions on the scale of the civil rights movement, converting energy to sustainable sources, wind, solar and geothermal, replacing greed with more emphasis on community building and sharing, honoring the stories of people and the simple pleasures of life, witnessing nature, growing food locally, practicing permaculture.

Joanna Macy wisely counsels “Don't spend too much time fighting against the system (capitalism) that is already crumbling . . . ” She advises us instead to focus on building the new structures to take it's place.

Wisdom of Ordinary People

Before and after the film those assembled spoke and listened in pairs about what to do when you are in despair about the effects of climate change, and how the film had affected them. We then met in small groups of about eight people to talk about ways to create supportive working groups to build the alternative structures we need to survive. The question posed was something like: “What are the key elements of successful, supportive, change making groups?”

Below are the elements generated by those discussions;































Thursday, May 7, 2015

From the Waste Up – Life Without Plastic

Our special guest speaker East Bay author and community activist, Beth Terry, showed us how to replace plastic with less harmful materials. She shared some of the many alternatives she has documented in her book Plastic Free! How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too.
In "From the Waste Up – Life Without Plastic".  Filmmaker Taina Uitto documents her own efforts and those of six other volunteers who pledge to live for a whole year without plastic. She looks at our addiction to plastic in a very real and down to earth way and as a participant in the project brings a level of humor to a very serious situation. You'll sympathize with the volunteers as they struggle to make change and rejoice with them when they are successful.

Thursday, June 5, 2015

"Your Environmental Road Trip" Saving Water & Energy at Home

Rising Sun Energy Center made a short presentation about the Energy Upgrade California program, and shared energy and water saving tips to use in your home. We also learned about free services, rebates, and incentives available to homeowners and renters who take action to save water and energy.
We sat back and armchair traveled along with three curious folks as they searched for sustainable solutions across the United States in the light-hearted documentary, “Your Environmental Road Trip (Y.E.R.T.)”

Thursday, July 2, 2015

"Urban Roots" with Wanda Stewart from People's Grocery

URBAN ROOTS is an inspiring film about the emergence of urban farming in Detroit. Like West Oakland, Detroit has high rates of unemployment, poverty, crime and pollution, lack of grocery stores with fresh food and high rates of liquor stores, diabetes and heart disease. But Detroit urban farmers are building a new and powerful urban economy that addresses these challenges while growing healthy food and strong communities.
Our special guest speaker Wanda Stewart was Executive Director of People’s Grocery a dynamic community organization working to improve the health and local economy of West Oakland by investing in the local food system.

Thursday, Aug 6, 2015

Transition Berkeley and Slow Food East Bay present "The Breach"

Slow Food East Bay and Transition Berkeley delved into the prickly world of fish, fishing and the health of the oceans with the amazing new film about salmon and the northwest, The Breach.

 The evening peaked with a short panel of local fisher(wo)men, fish mongers and others involved with keeping this huge part of our ecosystem healthy and in balance and Q&A with local folks involved in the worlds of fishing and the oceans. How can we both support those that make their livelihood from the ocean and the fish populations? How can we be educated and inquisitive consumers of seafood, asking the right questions about sourcing, distribution and health?


October 24th, 2015

Ohlone Park Pollinator Garden Planted with Berkeley Project Day Volunteers

On October 24th, 2015, Transition Berkeley Members Linda Currie & Lori Hines lead UC Berkeley students in installing pollinator plants in Ohlone Park during Berkeley Project Day. The planting design was made by Transition Berkeley member, Bonnie Borucki, with the help of Pam Boland, City of Berkeley landscape gardener supervisor. Plants were purchased at the Watershed Nurseryin Richmond, CA. Plants were selected to attract a variety of local pollinator's including native bees, honeybees, anise swallowtail butterflies, monarch's, and to provide pesticide-free habitat.

Christine Rossi, representing Friends of the Earth, brought literature to educate about the connections between Colony Collapse Disorder and use of  insecticides containing neonicotinoids.

Thursday, Oct 1, 2015

"TAPPED" A film about bottled water with a discussion

TAPPED is a beautifully filmed, compelling documentary in which Stephanie Soechtig and Sara Olsen explore the environmental consequences of bottled water. TAPPED does to bottled water what Food, INC and Super Size Me did to the food monopolies. The film begins with: "By 2030, two thirds of the world will not have access to clean drinking water." The film also covers chemical pollution, plastic pollution, mile-wide plastic soups in the ocean, water privatization and community water rights. 

This event was a result of partnering with Food and Water Watch, a national organization that champions healthy food and clean water for all. We were joined by Liz Solorio of FWW, and Juliana Gonzales of The Watershed Project for a discussion after the film. 

Thursday, Nov 5, 2015

"Vanishing of the Bees" film and discussion

Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives and Bayer Labs (with offices in Berkeley) has something to do with it! Known as Colony Collapse Disorder, this phenomenon has brought beekeepers to crisis in an industry responsible for pollinating crops that make up one out of every three bites of food on our tables.

“Vanishing of the Bees” follows commercial beekeepers David Hackenberg and Dave Mendes as they strive to keep their bees healthy and fulfill pollination contracts across the U.S. The film explores the struggles they face as the two friends plead their case on Capital Hill and travel across the Pacific Ocean in the quest to protect their honeybees. The documentary provides viewers with tangible solutions they can apply to their everyday lives.

After the film we’ll had a discussion and information from Friends of the Earth on actions we can take in Berkeley and beyond.

Thursday, Dec 3, 2015

"Racing to Zero" film and discussion

This film follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint. 

This film follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.

Maureen Gosling, film editor, was on hand, along with Andy Schneider, Berkeley’s Recycling Program Manager, Carrie Bennett, from the Ecology Center, and a Berkeley elementary student, who shared a short recycling video made by his class. Ideas for going waste-free during the holidays and beyond were discussed.

December 3rd, 2013

Transition & Permaculture: Celebration Potluck

Fellow changemakers celebrated our accomplishments and envision the possibilities for next year!
Co-sponsored by Transition Albany, Transition Berkeley, East Bay Co-Housing and East Bay Permaculture Guild

Oct. 11-14, 2013

Northern California Permaculture & Transition Convergence

The first-ever Building Resilient Community Convergence, was held OCT. 11-14 at the beautiful Solar Living Institute in Hopland. This fun and fantastic conference brought together the NorCal Transition Network (our second annual conference) with the Northern California Permaculture Convergence (our 9th!)  An action-packed weekend designed to build a powerful movement for community resilience.
Highlights included:
Transition Town Founder Rob Hopkins making a rare appearance in the U.S.,speakers Julia Butterfly Hill ,TreePeople founder Andy Lipkis, Urban Tilth's Doria Robinson, and Richard Heinberg

October 13, 2013

Sunday Streets Berkeley

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August 21, 2013

Myths and Truths About Going Solar: Is Now A Good Time?

There are many myths and misconceptions when it comes to the decision to invest in solar panels on your residential roof top. Transition Berkeley is hosting a panel of experts to discuss and clear up common questions surrounding the deployment of solar technology for residential use.
Questions like "Is solar technology still rapidly evolving?" "Don't the panels use up more energy than they produce?" "Won't they get cheaper if I wait longer?" "Should I have my house energy retrofitted before going solar?"…These questions will be tackled up front, followed by more time for questions and answers.

Plastic Health Harm: Your Body and the Global Community

A special conversation with experts Dr. Marion Guyer and Monica Wilson about common bad actors like phthalates, PVC, BPA, flame retardants, and VOCs and their associated health impacts. How do the many types of plastic that we encounter differ in their toxicity? What factors contribute to disease? How can workers in plants be affected? Monica Wilson, the US and Canada director of Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), examined the toxicity problems associated with reprocessing plastic waste and the impacts that plastic incineration has on frontline communities around the globe. We heard about organizations and legislative initiatives taking action on the worst chemicals and how measures such as Extended Producer Responsibility can reduce plastic packaging and the sources of harm.

The Greened House Effect: Renovating Your Home, a Deep Energy Retrofit

HGTV and DIY network host Jeff Wilson gave a multimedia presentation on how his family completed a Deep Energy Retrofit on their 70 year old home and reduced their energy bills by 85%, bringing their old, drafty home into the 21st century.
Jeff went over:
·       Testing the energy efficiency of your home and learning improvements to make.
·       Dealing with local building codes and regulations;
·       Financing and paying for a DER;
·       Major components of the DER, such as roofs, exterior walls, and basements

·       Renewable energy options to complement the DER, passive and active solar systems.      

Visit to see Jeff's Video episodes

Permaculture Inspiration & Gardening Opportunities

An inspiring and informative evening where we showed the film, “Permaculture: the Growing Edge”, and heard from local gardening representatives and experts on how you can tap into local opportunities for growing food. 

Permaculture is a sustainable system of earth care that offers solutions to many of our grave environmental problems and a hopeful, proactive vision of change. The film introduces us to inspiring examples of projects, and includes a visit to David Holmgren’s own homestead, tracking deer with naturalist Jon Young, sheet mulching an inner-city garden with Hunters Point Family, transforming an intersection into a gathering place with City Repair and joining mycologist Paul Stamets as he cleans up an oil spill with mushrooms. Local Gardening experts included Catherine Sutton, Alexa Hauser, Lotta Chan, Alicia Rose Seidlitz, Joy Moore, and Barbara Edwards.

“Vanishing of the Bees” follows commercial beekeepers David Hackenberg and Dave Mendes as they strive to keep their bees healthy and fulfill pollination contracts across the U.S. The film explores the struggles they face as the two friends plead their case on Capital Hill and travel across the Pacific Ocean in the quest to protect their honeybees. The documentary provides viewers with tangible solutions they can apply to their everyday lives.

After the film we’ll had a discussion and information from Friends of the Earth on actions we can take in Berkeley and beyond.

NORCAL Regional Transition Communities Gathering and Potluck-

Active supporters of Transition in Northern California met at the North Berkeley Library to discuss their local Transition Initiative actions and ideas. Some of us would like to meet face to face once a quarter, primarily for the purpose of inter-initiative mingling, mutual support and inspiration.

Dec. 11, 2012

Transition Berkeley Presents: Money, Banking and Investing for Transition

In the face of increasing economic and financial instability, it is important to understand how the money and banking systems operate and how they affect our communities and livelihoods.  Marco Vangelisti, founding member of Slow Money Northern California, helped us explore ways in which the money and banking systems can and need to shift if we want to build a more resilient and equitable local economy.

October 14, 2012

Berkeley Sunday Streets

The first ever Sunday Streets Berkeley by all accounts was hugely successful! Shattuck Avenue was truly transformed as thousands of people came out to walk, bike, make music, dance, and play. 

You may have heard several people ask on Sunday, “Is this every week?” “When is the next Sunday Streets?” or “Will this happen again next year?”  Let's build momentum for more Sunday Streets Berkeley!

Share your photos and stories here:

Oct 6, 2012

Transition Northern Cal Conference - A Rewarding Gathering

Over 25 Transition Initiatives came together on October 6, in Richmond to share and inspire each other from Monterey, Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Berkeley, Humboldt County, Nevada City, Sebastopol, and more.

Michael Levy, Transition Santa Cruz wrote- “The Transition movement is having an impact on lives, programs and policies, from Brasilia, Brazil, where a group started in a favela, to Fujino, Japan, where a Transition group was galvanized after the nuclear disaster, to Fairfax, where Pam (Hartwell’s, mayor of Fairfax) group helped launch Marin Clean Energy. Some of these efforts are not called "Transition," but they are a part of the same movement for creative, participatory relocalization.”

August 21, 2012

Moving Beyond Cars: Films and Strategies for Livable Streets

"Moving Beyond Cars" was the 3rd Transition Berkeley event this year, which was presented in partnership with the Berkeley Ecology Center, and held at the Ecology Center office /bookstore at San Pablo Street in Berkeley. The enthusiastic audience response indicated that there is a strong interest in exploring models for bike, pedestrian, and public transit friendly solutions developed in other locales, and applying these to Berkeley and adjoining communities. 

A highlight of the evening was an appearance from Sal Bednarz, owner of the Actual Cafe, who was featured in the first film of the evening, "Bay Area Street Portraits". Another appearance was made by Rob Allen, owner of Blue Heron Bikes, a new bike shop located at 1306 Gilman Street in Berkeley. Rob rode and displayed a top-of-the-line cargo bike, which is featured at his bike shop.

The approximately one hour discussion afterwards was very lively, with some great questions and sharing of hopeful ideas to expand public consciousness towards moving beyond our dependance on cars, and to develop and promote concrete public policies to increase reliable, accessible public transit and protected bike/pedestrian lanes in Berkeley. Several people signed up on the Transition Berkeley list with an expressed interest in developing a Transportation Group as part of Transition Berkeley.

May 15, 2012

Growing Urban Agriculture Keepin’ it Real & Green

How can we make our gardens more productive? How can we organize to share yards and start community gardens? How can we use less water and create less waste? Panelists Daniel Miller of Spiral Gardens Food Security Project; Victory Lee of Victory Garden Foundation; Rivka Mason, garden teacher at Malcolm X Elementary School; Gavin Rader from Planting Justice; and Max Cadji from Phat Beets Produce helped answer these questions to empower people to grow and share more food in the city.

May 5, 2012

Connect the Dots: Climate Reality/Climate Solutions Bike Ride

All-ages bike ride took us to the Berkeley Marina to measure projected sea level rise for a memorable photo. We'll also talked about the importance of supporting the local economy, making brief stops at sustainable local businesses on the way.

March 21, 2012

Transition Berkeley: First Anniversary Celebration & Potluck!

It's Official! Transition Berkeley is one year old and we are now the 110th Transition Initiative in the US! We celebrated a year of great fun and achievement in 2011, as we look forward to even greater projects and community building in 2012.

We explored such ideas and projects as Economic Resilience Circles, Skill Share workshops, Crop Swaps, and ideas for working together with our neighbors.

February 21, 2012

Understanding Alternative Economies

An enlightening evening introducing some exciting innovative solutions that help build community

and a better world.  Panelists Marco Vangelisti (Slow Money), Alpha Lo (Gift Circles), Barbara

Edwards (Crop Swaps), and Seth Mazow (Time Bank) inspire and inform about new ways to be part

of positive alternative economies. See a video of the event, edited by Susan Livingston here:

September 9, 2011

Composting Workshop

Worms, Waste and Wisdom: A composting workshop sponsored by Urban Adamah, EcoJews and Transition Berkeley. Participants learned about the carbon, nitrogen, worms and humus of composting, as well as how to begin or improve a compost system in this fun, hands-on workshop.

August 27, 2011

Urban Homestead Bike Tour

About 50 people, from 4-year-olds to seniors, were inspired by a bike tour of various urban homestead homes in the North Berkeley/Albany area. Participants saw great examples of urban homesteading, including: rainwater harvesting, greywater systems, natural building techniques, use of renewable energy for power, heat and hot water, vegetable gardens, chickens and permaculture techniques, and compost toilets. All legal, all fun and all energy saving!

June 29, 2011

"The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil" Film and Discussion

On June 29, the Berkeley Ecology Center co-sponsored Transition Berkeley's potluck, movie and discussion about this fascinating movie, which offered a look at Cuba's transition from a highly industrial society to a sustainable one. Leslie Balog, Reality Tour Director for Global Exchange, shared her experiences and facilitated the discussion. Cuba became a living example of how a country can successfully traverse what we all will have to deal with sooner or later, the reduction and loss of finite fossil fuel resources.

Thursday, Dec 3, 2015

"Fixing the Future" Documentary

Berkeley Transition joined the Sustainable Business Alliance and several other local non-profits in co-sponsoring a showing of Fixing the Future, a PBS-sponsored film about localized economies.Over 200 people packed the Humanist Hall to view and discuss the film. The Transition approach builds awareness about economic and other challenges by hosting films and discussions.

May 25, 2011

Preparedness Workshop

The Ecology Center hosted Transition Berkeley's first Emergency Preparedness Workshop on May 25th. Helping neighbors organize to get "ready for anything" is a part of the mission of Transition Berkeley. We will be offering Preparedness Workshops throughout the year in partnership with Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Neighborhood Network. Contact “The Network” if your neighborhood or group would like to have a workshop.

May 14-15, 2011 Victory Garden Challenge

On May 14-15, Transition Berkeley co-sponsored a weekend of garden building in the East Bay with the Victory Garden Foundation. This was part of a Transition US effort that generated garden building in 226 cities in 37 US states. The Victory Garden Foundation is one local resource that can support you in your efforts to grow food throughout the year. 

Thursday, Nov 5, 2015

The Sharing Solution

Renowned author, lawyer and Berkeley resident Janelle Orsi gave an inspiring presentation about the Sharing Solution, co-sponsored by Transition Berkeley and the Ecology Center, presenting tips and real-life example of how residents could barter, swap and share more with their neighbors and fellow community members.

February 25, 2011

Transition Berkeley Launch

 The Berkeley Transition Initiative launched at the Ecology Center to an overflowing crowd of about 90 people. Susan Silber and Linda Currie, veteran community organizers who had been inspired by the work of the Transition Albany group, hosted a panel discussion to introduce the Transition Movement to the crowd. Panel participants included Climate Action Coordinator Timothy Burroughs, Bay Localize co-founder and National Transition Board member Dave Room, Transition Albany founder Catherine Sutton and Transition San Francisco member Bud Smith. Several people immediately joined the Initiating Team and the Berkeley Transition Initiative was up and running! 


2000 Allston Way #304, Berkeley CA 94701



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